Posts Tagged ‘ New Year ’

Spring Boards

2011 is here! Have you kept your New Years resolutions thus far? We didn’t even make specific resolutions this year… just general and healthy guidelines that we can hopefully adapt to our normal routines.

Many people look at a new year as a time to spring board their lives to new and better things. My 14 week old puppy used her puppy bed to spring board up onto my couch yesterday… I was faced with trying to discipline her and laughing so hard as I just wanted to see her do it again. She’d get a running start from approximately 20 feet away, put her head down, sprint toward the bed and launch herself onto the couch (mind you, the couch we just bought a year ago and plan to keep for a long time to come)! She was jumping up to a better life of laying on the couch instead of her puppy bed.

Stork Deliveries by April is approaching our 6th month of business. We’re always looking for ways to spring board our business into new and better things. Mud Pie has released their 2011 product line and we are LOVING it! Stay tuned for the new arrivals to make their appearance on our site. We’re looking for new vendors to add to our esteemed list, new ways to get site visitors and new festivals to participate in.

Best wishes in this new year. May business grow, families thrive and faith abound. And may my little puppy learn to only use her jumping ability away from my couch 🙂

Holiday Bowl Games!!

Is Christmas really over? Where did it go?! We shopped, wrapped presents, cooked, spent time with friends and family – and yet it flew by. December 26 is already here…

Christmas was really special this year. I was able to see my family in Atlanta and my friends from work. We enjoyed wrapping our puppy, Molly, up in a box (as much as she would allow us to anyway) and cooking for friends. We missed our PA family but enjoyed speaking to many of them on Christmas day.

Stork Deliveries by April has enjoyed our first 5 months. At the end of January, we’ll make the 6 month mark as a published website! We’ve enjoyed our sales and working with each of our customers. We have much to be grateful for in 2010!

Some of the most enjoyable things for me during this week between Christmas and New Years are the collegiate football bowl games (as I’m sure any football fan can appreciate). Dinners are simple and include lots of stews, chili and grill time. The featured product on the website this week is the Georgia 2 Piece Newborn Set.

The Georgia bulldogs play UCF in the Autozone Liberty bowl on December 31. We’d love to sell you the Georgia 2 Piece Newborn Set or a Georgia bib so your little quarterback or princess can cheer the bulldogs on in style…

Merry Christmas, Happy Bowl Games and Happy New Year. Let us know if you or your friends/family need any collegiate baby gifts!

Getting the Word Out

How do you get the word out when everyone is SO busy with their own day to day schedules? Stork Deliveries by April has big plans for this next month… we’re attending our first sales festival next weekend and have begun to advertise with Google Adwords.

Our friends and families have been wonderful to help get us started! Now we’re relying on you for continued support to spread the word even more (aren’t you lucky?!). Christmas products are ordered and will arrive any day now.  Collegiate football products are still in stock and are looking good. The Lovies are adorable and able to be personalized – check out the latest picture below, monogrammed for Emma Rose. The 2011 product selections will be coming out in mid January – times are very exciting!

It’s been interesting to watch the elections this year, especially in this past week. They have not decided the senate race here in Washington yet but one candidate spent tons of money and brought the big shots in and the other got the word out with a grassroots effort. I found it interesting to watch the past, corporate CEO’S that ran and spent a tremendous amount of money campaigning and lost.  Well, the good news for Stork is a grassroots movement works. It’s been tried and proven! Please continue to visit the site to help our page position, join us on Facebook and Twitter and pass the word around. Have your friends/family email me at for the best possible deal on products and shipping!


Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus… okay so maybe I’m a little early!

The holiday season, however, is quickly approaching. I love this time of year! It starts off with football season ringing in, then Halloween, then Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years – for a girl that loves event planning, hosting parties, being with family/friends and decorating, how much better can it get?!

Stork Deliveries by April doesn’t sell Halloween costumes for babies (not yet anyway!) but I posted these 3 costume ideas on our facebook page:

Aren’t they adorable?! Just after Halloween, Stork Deliveries by April will start promoting our Christmas products. We’re hoping that mothers, grandmothers, and dads will buy the Christmas outfits during November so the after Thanksgiving picture with Santa Claus will be a walk in the park. Of course, we’ll be selling the Christmas products through December (for those procrastinators out there).

I’m looking forward to seeing family, spending time with friends, carving our pumpkins, eating way too much turkey, pumpkin pie, putting up the Christmas tree… the list goes on and on! Email us at if we can help make your holiday season easier with Christmas outfits or gifts for your little ones!